Saturday, September 7, 2013

D30 - Days #4, 5, and 6!

**Update (September 8th) - added photos

Day 4:

I was a busy bee! I kick-spindled a bit in the morning, and plied that ounce in the evening.

I also used my wheel to spin one ounce of fibre. I think I am going to let that sit on the bobbin and add one more ounce to it. I will spin another bobbin of two ounces eventually, and ply them together so I have a 4 ounce 2-ply skein. This is going to be an interesting combination of yarn I am going to have at the end of this month!

Day 5:

I SLACKED OFF. I didn't do anything except knit on my Goat Coat. Not good for the goal, but I own my decision. My hands were sore from wearing gloves all day.

Day 6:

I drop-spindled on the bus home from work. I FINALLY finished the batt I started spinning on Day #1 with this drop spindle. Now I have three ounces complete, and it is Day #6.

When I got home, I stared at my big bag of fleece till I went to bed realllllly early with big plans of making A LOT of batts tomorrow.

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